David escaping Saul




The Bible is replete with passages that affirm the existence of human free will and God’s omniscience. These two attributes seem contradictory at first glance – if God knows everything that will happen, how can humans truly have free will? However, a closer look at Biblical accounts, like David’s escape from a city, unveils the nuanced relationship between these two characteristics.

God’s Omniscience

God’s omniscience, or all-knowing nature, is a cornerstone of His identity. Scriptures such as Psalm 139:4 affirm this: “Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely.” Yet, this attribute doesn’t negate the human capacity for free will.

Human Free Will

Free will, the ability to make choices free from certain kinds of constraints, is another Biblical principle. In Deuteronomy 30:19, Moses presents Israel with a choice: “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life…” The command to “choose” underscores the principle of free will.

David’s Escape: A Case Study

A clear example of free will operating within God’s omniscience is found in 1 Samuel 23. David, pursued by King Saul, sought refuge in the city of Keilah. When David inquired of God whether the citizens of Keilah would surrender him to Saul, God affirmed they would. In response, David chose to leave the city, altering the potential outcome God had foreseen.

This account shows that God’s omniscience includes knowledge of potential outcomes, not just fixed futures. He knew the citizens of Keilah would betray David if he stayed, but He also knew David had the freedom to leave, thus changing the outcome.

Omniscience and Free Will: A Divine Balance

This understanding of God’s omniscience elevates our appreciation of His divine nature. It means that God, in His limitless knowledge, is able to comprehend every potential outcome of our free-willed decisions. Far from making our choices irrelevant, it empowers them. Our actions have real consequences and aren’t pre-determined or controlled by fate.

In conclusion, free will and God’s omniscience aren’t contradictory but intricately linked. Through His omniscience, God respects our free will, empowering our choices, and yet, His divine plan prevails.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does understanding God’s omniscience as inclusive of all possible outcomes impact your view of free will?
  2. What implications does the coexistence of God’s omniscience and human free will have on our understanding of prayer and divine intervention?
  3. In light of God’s omniscience and human free will, how should we approach decision-making and moral responsibility?

Want to Know More?:

  1. “God’s Greater Glory: The Exalted God of Scripture and the Christian Faith” by Bruce A. Ware – A scholarly exploration of the nature of God, including His omniscience.
  2. “Providence and Prayer: How Does God Work in the World?” by Terrance Tiessen – An investigation of how divine providence and human actions interact.
  3. “The Only Wise God: The Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom” by William Lane Craig – A philosophical and theological examination of God’s foreknowledge and human free will.

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